Official blog of #clarkclass, Twitter for Media class at UCO Mass Comm Department

Friday, January 8, 2016

From theater to self-employed social media 'wrangler'

#clarkclass, with @EnergyFC gifts from @justjennyg of @refreshcreative
Jenny Grigsby, a 2004 UCO theater graduate, is now a self-employed social media "wrangler,"  manager and consultant for several  Oklahoma City companies. 
@JustJennyG in #clarkclass
After working in PR for the state fair, and teaching herself about digital media, she gradually did consulting until she got enough clients to go full time a little over a year ago. Now her husband has joined her in the business, @refreshcreative.
It's interesting to me that almost all the speakers in this class have been referrals by others, as Jenny was mentioned by @rcrissinger.
 Speaking to #clarkclass, she brought gifts, her sense of humor--"I’m still employee of the month, but he’s been runner up several times” and a wide range of knowledge about Oklahoma City and twitter.
While she has two laptops at home, most of her work is done on the phone, or in person dealing with clients most of our students have heard of. 
Here are some of  them, and she introduced them by saying, "I am...":  @EnergyFC, @HideawayPizza, @Oak&Ore, @RJSupperClub,
@Ludivine, @TowerTheatre, @H&8thNightMarket, plus
consulting with dental offices,  retail companies and a plastic surgeon.

It all started when having lunch with someone who asked her to help with their social media.
"Always go to lunch with people, "she quips. "Keep your options open."
Here are some of her comments, and student debriefing notes, with the help of @cassjack12:

  • Learning the basics is invaluable
  • Look at different brands for ideas
  • Take screenshots and save them so you have ideas to pull from
  • "Social media is basically me sitting on my couch giggling"
  • “Social media is way to share moments--whether it is your child’s first steps or a block at a soccer game
  • Most challenging thing: managing expectations - trying to be available as much as possible and communicating when you might be busy
  • Recognize moments and what people talk about 
Student debriefing notes
  •  Twitter is like the ears and mouth of the company  
  • Very candid, open with reality of what she does and how she feels about it 
  • Having skills that people wouldn’t expect 
  • Uses screenshots as idea archive file 
  • Facebook more for family and close friends and twitter is for networking and for close colleagues 
  • Knowledgeable about each client … “I am EnergyFC, Hideaway, etc”  
  • Be engaged to get engagement, making friendships 
  • Speakers have ended up on different paths than they expected they would be- open to change and progress 
  • Works from home-working from car 
  • “Babystep it” – start with small steps that will lead to something bigger
  • Always promotes clients while speaking 
  • Knowing when you have enough clients, don’t look at it as more people, more money


Thursday, January 7, 2016

How to improve the class?

Comment below please, by 9 am tomorrow.

Mad Hatter of media and learning, tattoos and all

What tattoos do you have? More than you imagine if you listen to Lauren Vargas.
Lauren, a UCO PR graduate and favorite student of mine, spoke to #clarkclass via Skype from Boston yesterday. She is one of the smartest people I've ever known, but not a nerd either; she is the epitome of combining, combining continual learning with practical everyday life and work.
An early adopter of digital media, she saw the Internet burst the PR and marketing fields when in Dallas working for the Department of Defense. She's now head of social media and community for Aetna, a fortune 500 company, and works from home, with several computer monitors on the wall in front of her desk. 
She's completed a second masters at Harvard--in Museum studies, where she is now an adjunct professor--and is working on a Ph.D. at a university in the U.K. Her dissertation will be about how the internet and big data and new digital media affected PR. Oh, she's also a wife and mother to two, and doesn't sleep much.
Lauren talking to #clarkclass via Skype
And, the tattoos we have? Lauren has many tattoos, including the cool one "Nevermore" on her forearm. Like those tattoos, she says, anything you put into the digital word is a tattoo--it's pretty permanent and hard to get rid of.
Her web page above leads you to her consulting, where she speaks and more. "Mad Hatter," because she likes to wear different hats.
By the time she signed off,  facing 14 meetings, and numerous conference calls, we sat there stunned at all she does and has accomplished, at her depth of knowledge and insights. I told you I have great students.
Here's some of her comments and student reactions, recorded with the help of @Cassjack12.

  • Understand the communities that you serve
  • Don’t let the telephone just ring and go to voicemail and then never check your voicemail—this is what is happening with social media, you need to hear these voices
  • Loves to put theory into application
  • Academic at heart
  • Helped develop a curriculum for middle school and high school kids with the head librarian of the city
  • Talked to kids about their digital footprint , helping them be a good digital employee and citizen
  • You never know who or what you’re going to work for so be careful what you do and say online-don’t talk poorly about brands
  • Self taught with most computer things
  • Exclusive communities – built by groups, activists, or brands themselves that require some time of login or process to get access to
  • Discrete communities-communities of conversations that flow through all social media-
  • Nurture those conversation and create trust to get them down the funnel or in an exclusive community
  • How you are fostering engagement
  • Be Authentic
  • Organic engagement
  • One foot in academia and one foot in applying the theories
  • Wants to share the information with others “spread the love”
Student debriefing comments

·      “If we never talk about what we fail, we won't get better”
·   Don't complain about brands-you never know who you will work for
·   When designing DOD digital media, described it as flying a plane and building it at the same time
·  Everyone is a digital contributor now, how you foster those relationships and conversations
·   Digital tattoo comparison- relating to what young people will know, tattoo is permanent and so is what you put online
·  “Social media has built walls of silence”
·   She like to give out the information for free, some of her peers don’t like to share the information they learn but she thinks everyone should know
·   To serve communities and serve them better
·   Make what you do your own
·   She does things not only to better herself but to also better the community and those around her--wants to teach others how to manage their digital print 

Student observation, from Casey McElroy:  "It seems like we're in this blizzard of twitter and media with so much going on, but these speakers seem to be on top of the blizzard looking down on it."