Comparison paper of three class speakers
4.5--page paper --due Dec. 3, at beginning of class.
- Late papers drop 15 percent off of your grade. Do not wait till Dec. 3 to print on campus. Printers out of ink, etc. are no excuse for being late.
- Every misspelled word costs 5 points. If you misspell a speaker's name, you will flunk.
No fancy covers. Printed on one side of paper. Stapled upper left. Use a serif font like Georgia, Times New Roman. No color type.
- At the top—list speakers, professional twitter or web page sites-your name, date
- Intro—How twitter is used in your major—1 paragraph
- Why did you pick these three speakers?
- Two main points of each three speakers
- Compare and contrast their use of twitter and social media.
- What that means to you as a professional and tweeter in future.
- Lessons learned, the advice you found most helpful.
Your five minute presentation to class:
Do not read your paper. Make an outline, or notes. Tell us who they are, why you chose them, and then summarize numbers 6 and 7 above.
Class grading scale:
100-91--A; 90-81--B; 80-70--C; 60-69—D
Class grading scale:
100-91--A; 90-81--B; 80-70--C; 60-69—D
• Tweets on class Twitter site #clarkclass—200 points--40 percent
• Paper on speakers--200 points--40 percent
• In-class assignments--100 points--20 percent
• Total Points--500
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