Official blog of #clarkclass, Twitter for Media class at UCO Mass Comm Department

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Guidelines for class paper

Comparison paper of three class speakers

4.5--page paper --due Dec. 3, at beginning of class.
  1. Late papers drop 15 percent off of your grade. Do not wait till Dec. 3 to print on campus. Printers out of ink, etc. are no excuse for being late.
  2. Every misspelled word costs 5 points. If you misspell a speaker's name, you will flunk.
No fancy covers. Printed on one side of paper. Stapled upper left. Use a serif font like Georgia, Times New Roman. No color type.
  1. At the top—list speakers, professional  twitter or web page sites-your name, date   
  2. Intro—How twitter is used in your major—1 paragraph
  3. Why did you pick these three speakers?
  4. Two main points of each three speakers
  5. Compare and contrast their use of twitter and social media.
  6. What that means to you as a professional and tweeter in future.
  7. Lessons learned, the advice you found most helpful.
Your five minute presentation to class:
Do not read your paper. Make an outline, or notes. Tell us who they are, why you chose them, and then summarize numbers 6 and 7 above.

Class grading scale:
100-91--A; 90-81--B; 80-70--C; 60-69—D
• Tweets on class Twitter site #clarkclass—200 points--40 percent
• Paper on speakers--200 points--40 percent
• In-class assignments--100 points--20 percent
• Total Points--500

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