- Zach Nash @zachnash
- Debriefing
- Adoption progress
- Tweet @dezhill one question about twitter as a journalist--by 5 pm today.
Official blog of #clarkclass, Twitter for Media class at UCO Mass Comm Department
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
October 30 Agenda
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Inspiration incarnate
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Scott with #clarkclass |
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Scott Williams talking to #clarkclass |
often interrupt speakers to #clarkclass, yelling at the students to "Get that quote."
That pretty well captures the spirit of why the class at UCO has been a favorite, enough to bring me back out of retirement to teach it this fall--The students and the speakers from many different professions.
And having Scott Williams as first guest sets the tone--he is inspiration incarnate, and, as a UCO grad, a terrific role model.
"This isn't about twitter, it's about life," he said, and held the class pretty well spell bound with stories and insights for an hour and a half.
For the record, he owns NxtLevel Solutions, a strategy company, http://www.nxtlevelsolutions.com/ and you can find him on Instagram as @ScottOKC and twitter @ScottWilliams He's been a warden, a pastor at LifeChurch and so much more, advising Fortune 500 companies and others across America.
He began as a student entrepreneur at UCO organizing parties and passing out flyers to attract crowds. Students relate. He invigorates my teaching and outlook on life.
I'm indebted to him for finding time to speak to my students, about the third time now, and proud that I was the first one to invite him back to UCO to speak to this unique in Oklahoma class.
The new photo at the top of the blog is from his visit.
After he left, we debriefed, and each student comments. What follows are those comments, with a few of mine mixed in. Dutifully recorded by @MadisonSturgill
- Look at what’s next, not just what’s currently happening
- Be a leader
- If you’re not failing you’re not trying
- Three trophies – MVP, Most improved, best sportsmanship
- We see the shine but we don’t see the grind
- Participation generation – we feel entitled to win and it has encouraged our generation not to try
- There’s no such thing as writers’ block
- Practicing things you enjoy doing, even if you’re not being paid for it.
- The effort and confidence of knowing what you’ve done and being able to tell people about what you have accomplished
- Consistent content wins and great content always wins
- If you’re not aware, you’re losing
- Don’t be afraid to believe in yourself and be the next big thing
- If you’re not trying here in OKC, don’t think you can make it anywhere else
- There’s a market for everything
- There are no excuses, no matter your circumstances, to achieve your dream
- In order to get to something, you’ve got to get through something
- College levels the playing field for everyone – it’s about what you’re doing to set yourself apart in your field
- People are not moved by the stuff were selling; they’re moved by the stories we’re telling
- Write every day
- Our Motto: HOW--Helping Others Win
- Facebook could be the next Myspace. Remember the blackberry? From 50 percent of phone market to less than 1 percent in a few years
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Day 3 Agenda
Scott Williams!
Progress on adoptions
Tweet about him
Find @ZachNash
One thing you'd like to ask him about job
Progress on adoptions
Tweet about him
Find @ZachNash
One thing you'd like to ask him about job
Monday, October 22, 2018
Guidelines for adoption presentations, comparison paper
Adoption--presentations Dec. 4, 6
5-10 min Presentation --show screen
shot of twitter page, sample tweets
Potential questions --see paragraphs guides below
3-page paper to prof--due day of presentation
At top--Your name, professional's name, professional's twitter name
Paragraph 1--Who they are, what they do
Paragraph 2--how use twitter, how long used, use other social media?
Paragraph 3--Their comments on value of twitter to professional
Paragraph 4--How they've seen it change, what see in the future?
Paragraph 5--Their advice on using twitter
Outline to every member of class--one page--bullet points covering essential information
Comparison paper of class speakers
Potential questions --see paragraphs guides below
3-page paper to prof--due day of presentation
At top--Your name, professional's name, professional's twitter name
Paragraph 1--Who they are, what they do
Paragraph 2--how use twitter, how long used, use other social media?
Paragraph 3--Their comments on value of twitter to professional
Paragraph 4--How they've seen it change, what see in the future?
Paragraph 5--Their advice on using twitter
Outline to every member of class--one page--bullet points covering essential information
Comparison paper of class speakers
3-page paper --due Dec. 4.
At the top—list speakers, pro
sites-your name, date
intro—twitter use in your major—1 paragraph
key points of two speakers
compare and contrast
what means to you as a pro and tweeter in future
lessons learned
Suggested request format
First contact:
Helloxxx. I'm a senior strategic communication major at the University of Central Oklahoma studying the use of twitter in modern communication? I'd like to share your experience with our class for my presentation? Could I send you about five short questions by email in the next week as the basis for my report, please?
If you wish to confirm the facts on this request, the professor Dr. Terry Clark is @okieprof on twitter, and the class blog is clarkclassUCO.blogspot.com
I hope to hear from you by (date), as this is an abbreviated class.
Thank you,
xxxx @vvv
First contact:
Helloxxx. I'm a senior strategic communication major at the University of Central Oklahoma studying the use of twitter in modern communication? I'd like to share your experience with our class for my presentation? Could I send you about five short questions by email in the next week as the basis for my report, please?
If you wish to confirm the facts on this request, the professor Dr. Terry Clark is @okieprof on twitter, and the class blog is clarkclassUCO.blogspot.com
I hope to hear from you by (date), as this is an abbreviated class.
Thank you,
xxxx @vvv
Day 2 agenda, assignments Oct. 23
- Roll, fact sheets
- Guidelines of adoption, comparison paper
- Choosing your professional--discussion
- tweet deck https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/
- Speaker schedule--follow week before:Follow @MikeSherman now.
- Scott Williams (NxtLevel Solutions) Oct. 25; Zach Nash (OKC City) @zachnash Oct. 30; Desiree Hill @Dezhill(UCO) Nov. 1; Jill Castilla (Citizens Bank) @JillCastilla Nov. 8; Mike Sherman (Skype from Tampa Bay sports editor) Nov. 13; Jenny Grigsby (Refresh Creative) @RefreshCreate Nov. 15; Mike Koehler (Smirk New Media) @smirknewmedia Nov. 29; Lauren Vargas (Skype from Boston) @vargasl; Heidi Centrella (405 Magazine) @405Mag.
- Be here on time, or take an absence
- Quotes
- Retweeting
- Bitly https://bitly.com/
- #clarkclass
- Send original message to professional for paper, by 5 p.m. today
- #clarkclass
- tweetdeck
- Readings, tweets, include bitly, retweet on one
Is this good news, bad news, your reactions? Focus on twtiter's imact and change.
- How twitter has changed journalism forever--http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/how-twitter-has-changed-journalism-forever
- Impact of twitter on journalism--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl9xI-kAE8A
- SM silences debate? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/27/upshot/how-social-media-silences-debate.html?smid=tw-share&abt=0002&abg=1
- Keep your opinion to yourself--http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/may/22/bbc-editor-election-coverage-ukip-twitter?CMP=twt_
- The twitter presidency https://www.pcmag.com/article/355726/donald-trump-and-the-modern-twitter-presidency
Monday, October 8, 2018
'Social' media and your job, your future
Don't be a Roseanne Barr!
"One racist tweet cost Roseanne Barr her network sitcom, hundreds of people their jobs, and ABC its top-rated primetime anchor for Tuesday nights. ...her tweet about former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, an African-American woman, generated the most backlash: 'Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,' Barr wrote and later deleted." $60 million!--Moneyish.com
Don't be a Roseanne Barr!
"One racist tweet cost Roseanne Barr her network sitcom, hundreds of people their jobs, and ABC its top-rated primetime anchor for Tuesday nights. ...her tweet about former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, an African-American woman, generated the most backlash: 'Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,' Barr wrote and later deleted." $60 million!--Moneyish.com
Social media and your job
"You have no privacy, or, there is nothing private."
Dr. Terry M. Clark
- "Hope I don't get AIDs." Justine Sacco, senior PR person with only 170 twitter followers, on 11-hour flight. Gets off plane, number one trending in world, fired
- SAE at OU
- "Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work."
User Statistics, as of about 10/2018
· Facebook, 2.72 billion; YouTube, 1.9 billion; Instagram, 800 million; Linked in, 500 million; twitter, 335 million(monthly active, ; Snapchat, 300 million.
· YouTube--Five billion videos viewed every day~62 percent male; 80 % outside US.88 countries, 76 languages.
· Twitter-- 600 million monthly active users. 500 million Tweets are sent per day. Every second, around 6,000 tweets. 80% of Twitter active users are on mobile. Twitter supports 33 languages. Brazil, Japan and Mexico tops outside US.
· Facebook--Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 317,000 status updates, 400 new users, 147,000 photos. every 20 minutes, 1 million links shared; Over 8 billion daily video views, 85 % watch with sound off; 53 % female; average user -155 "friends"; 72 % users make more than $75K; 85% active users outside US; India largest 270 million; US 210 million; 93 percent of marketers use FB regularly. In 101 languages
· Snapchat—400 million a day; 3 billion a day; 10 billion + views a day; 70 percent women and under 31 years old
Types of social media
· Social Networks– Services let you connect with other people of similar interests and background. Usually they consist of a profile, various ways to interact with other users, ability to setup groups, etc. The most popular are Facebook and LinkedIn.
· Media Sharing – Services let you upload and share various media such as pictures and video. Most services have additional social features such as profiles, commenting, etc. The most popular are YouTube, Instagram, and Flickr.
· Microblogging – Services that focus on short updates that are pushed out to anyone subscribed to receive the updates. The most popular is Twitter
· Bookmarking Sites – Services let you to save, organize and manage links to various websites and resources. The most popular are Delicious and StumbleUpon.
· Social News – Services let you post various news items or links to outside articles and lets users ”vote” on the items. The most popular are Digg and Reddit.
· Blog Comments and Forums – Online forums allow members to hold conversations by posting messages. Blog comments are similar except they are attached to blogs and usually the discussion centers around the topic of the blog post. There are millions of popular blogs and forums. Includes genealogy, Goodreads.
· It’s your brand, your new resume. Remember who you are "talking" to. Facebook vs twitter.
· Post consistently, to add value.
· Spread good news.
· Add links to articles.
· Not too much self-promotion.
· Check privacy settings. Control who can search for you and see your posts, photos and tweets.
· Keep it PG-13.
· Google yourself, once a month or so.
· Careful with profile. "Opinions are my own."
· Build your network. Update Linked in.
· Avoid time on social media at work.
· Proofread.
· Censor yourself.
· Criticize UCO or people.
· Post when emotional or drunk.
· Don’t post inappropriate photos, “Don’t put your boobs” online.
· Don’t post anything you don’t want your Mom to read.
· Don’t post offensive messages.
· Avoid humor, profanity, opinions on religion-politics-morals-sexuality.
· Don’t respond to extreme views, or stupid “likes.”
Good Examples—Good Egg, UCO, Tweetdeck. Beware “Screenshots.”
Freedom of speech and employment.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) receives thousands of complaints each year from employees terminated for what they say and post on their social networks. In a right to work--you can be fired for complaining, unless a group of workers are collectively complaining about working conditions or co-workers. Go to HR.
· https://twitter.com/UCOBronchos
· #clarkclassUCO http://clarkclassuco.blogspot.com/
· https://twitter.com/@okieprofDay 1 Agenda
- Roll--student fact sheet
- Smart phone-off now and away
- What is your goal?
- Videos
- Set up-- Hints for set up—short and simple, use name some or nickname
- #clarkclass
- tweetdeck
- Speakers--look up, notes, tweet during and after, debriefing: Zach Nash (OKC City); Desiree Hill (UCO); Mike Sherman (Skype from Tampa Bay sports editor); Jill Castilla (Citizens Bank); Scott Williams (NxtLevel Solutions); Jenny Grigsby (Refresh Creative); Mike Koehler (Smirk New Media); Lauren Vargas (Skype from Boston); Heidi Centrella (405 Magazine).
read it
spelling counts
Check #clarkclass and blog every day
Make deadline or lose points
#clarkclass every tweet you make
Deadline assignments--0 points if not met
You must take notes--"Get that quote!"
Be here on time, or lose 5 points off grade
- 15 mins-Play time --search and find 3 pros of your interest—hashtags or @
- (Example, I search #watercolor)
- Lecture--no privacy
- Profile
- Syllabus
"Who uses what, 2018?"
"Who uses what, 2018?"
- Readings,etc.
- tweet one thing you learned today from "Play time" by 5 pm today
- By 5 pm Monday, tweet one thing you learned from: Stats you should know
- By 5 pm Monday, tweet one thing you learned from: Social media 2018
- By 5 pm Monday, tweet one thing you learned from: Importance of quotes
- Follow @okieprof by 5 pm today
- By Monday, two professional tweeters to follow, one for adoption--bring name, review page
- Next week-Review of your profile
- next week: tweet deck
- By next week-search and follow speakers:@zachnash ; @dezhill ; @ScottWilliams ; @MikeSherman ; @JillCastilla ; @CitizensEdmond ; @RefreshCreate ; @smirknewmedia ; @405Mag
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